August 1st is Lung Cancer Awareness Day. During this time, we honor and support the victims of this devastating disease, along with their families and loved ones.

Lung Cancer Awareness Day is dedicated to educating people about lung cancer, a deadly disease that affects millions worldwide. Raising awareness encourages fundraising efforts to help researchers develop new treatments for those currently battling lung cancer and to find a cure that would prevent future suffering.

One of the causes of lung cancer is exposure to asbestos. Asbestos-related lung cancer is an especially aggressive form of cancer that typically develops years after asbestos exposure.

We are committed to transforming lung cancer survival by amplifying the conversation about the importance of early detection, treatment, and research. By bringing together a global coalition, this awareness day aims to make a significant impact on lung cancer outcomes.

Join the Lung Cancer Awareness Movement Coalition in acting locally and impacting globally. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against lung cancer.


  • Building Public Support:
    Advocate for increased research funding, improved screening, and better treatment options for people with lung cancer.
  • Global Partnerships:
    Collaborate with patient advocacy organizations, health care NGOs, and national ministries of health to strengthen our efforts worldwide.
  • Raising Awareness:
    Educating health care professionals and the general public about how early detection can significantly improve lung cancer survival rates.

Like other cancers, lung cancer has a designated color to promote awareness. To honor those affected by lung cancer, wear a white ribbon—or anything white—to show your support! Then, share why you are wearing white with others.

We hope you join us in our efforts to support, honor, educate, and fundraise, not just today but always.

Since 1978, Thornton Law Firm LLP has represented individuals and their families in mesothelioma and lung cancer claims. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer, call our Boston lung cancer lawyers at our toll-free number 888-632-0108 or tell us your story here for a free, confidential, and no-risk consultation.